I have been thinking about running a Genius Hour type programme in my class for a year or two, but am not really sure where to start. Today I sent out a request...
Hi PLN. Really want to start Genius Hour in my class. Does anybody have great tips/tricks/sites to recommend? Thanks in advance! #edchatnz
— Mark Buckland (@mjbuckland) March 9, 2015
My thinking: I would get a couple of replies with some useful resources. Instead I got over 20 people sharing their experiences and expertise. I do love Twitter sometimes. No, that' not right. I love the way that people are so open and sharing on Twitter.
As a C.O.A., I haven't yet had a chance to look at most of these resource that have been shared with me. It's going to take me a while to get through all this stuff, but I see that as a pretty good "problem" to have.
@mjbuckland @BridgetLCM is fantastic with this sort of work.#edchatnz
— Gin (@ginippi) March 9, 2015
Of course - Bridget knows heaps of great stuff. Check out her blog for some nuggets.
@mjbuckland @simone015 has some great ideas around Adventure Learning - another genius hour idea
— Jennie L (@Jackbillie35) March 9, 2015
Simone has been running Adventure Based Learning programmes for a few years now, and has some great ideas for her class.
@mjbuckland rundes room has some create free reflection sheets and planning pages
— Kassey Downard (@kasseylee11) March 9, 2015
I tried rundesroom.com but couldn't get through - their pinterest page looks like it has lots of stuff though.
@mjbuckland @mrkempnz Here is what we did last year! http://t.co/BGTdAWI7X6 #proudtobemusd #MIEExpert15
— Tammy Dunbar (@TammyDunbar) March 9, 2015
This video looked pretty cool. I like the way that she has shown the variety of different topics her students choose, and the different ways of presenting.
@mjbuckland @mrkempnz Everything you ever want to know about launching Genius Hour: See @PaulSolarz Passion Projects http://t.co/1gEtzkUBio
— Lisa Kapp (@history_teach27) March 9, 2015
After a quick look, I could see that this site has a lot of useful resources - definitely on my read-asap list.
@tritonkory @mjbuckland @shahlock Yes & @JoyKirr Livebinder http://t.co/rKRWgkwAl0 Lots of information. I teach Ks. My posts kinder grade
— Faige Meller (@dubioseducator) March 9, 2015
I think that no matter what age students you teach, the same principles apply. I look forward to getting into this - another entry on read-asap list.
@mjbuckland @tritonkory Check out @PaulSolarz. He is a 5th grade teacher from Chicago area. http://t.co/0DCbjKP0Ds Prepare to be amazed.
— Sweet Tweets! (@ClassNelson) March 9, 2015
Another mention for Paul Solraz - he must be great!
@mjbuckland put plenty of time into the planning stages and motivating stages. The video list on g docs via live binders is choice
— Simon Ashby (@SimonAshbyNZ) March 9, 2015
@mjbuckland I'd never heard of it before either. @JoyKirr has the link on her blog I think.
— Simon Ashby (@SimonAshbyNZ) March 9, 2015
I had a little search and found this page belonging to @JoyKirr with her blogs - looks good, more to explore.
@mjbuckland our kids have started blogging about their experiences (I think) and will do through whole project. Check out class blog link
— Simon Ashby (@SimonAshbyNZ) March 9, 2015
Yes, I will be checking out that class blog. Thanks!
@mjbuckland Check out this weeks@Kidsedchat - I think that is a great starting point http://t.co/az0f90yQ7d
— Rachael (@chaelebel) March 9, 2015
KidsedchatNZ is fantastic! Unfortunately my class won't be able to take part this week, but this is right up the right street.
@mjbuckland I did it last year with yr 3/4. Hardest bit was starting. Kids needed some options and a big of a play before deciding
— Leanne Stubbing (@fivefoot3) March 9, 2015
Seems like great advice to me.
@mjbuckland so have a makerspace party! 🎈🎊🎉🎁🎉🎊🎈
— Leanne Stubbing (@fivefoot3) March 9, 2015
Now that sounds cool!
@mjbuckland Live Binder resources for #geniushour http://t.co/NcnQnE51iq. These have helped me immensely!
— Angela Rutschke (@ARutschke) March 9, 2015
This looks to have a LOT of useful resources. It will take a while to get through this site.
@mjbuckland hey Mark.. I did this Term 4 last year. Was REALLY good. Kids were def. engaged and it allowed for range of outcomes....
— Kerri Thompson (@kerriattamatea) March 9, 2015
@mjbuckland I had a number of kids be the teacher and 'taught' a lesson to class.. tae kwon do, art, cake decorating, touch etc. after they
— Kerri Thompson (@kerriattamatea) March 9, 2015
@mjbuckland had researched and planned a lesson like we do.. sequence, resources, videos, equipment etc.. was fab! Had Google presentations
— Kerri Thompson (@kerriattamatea) March 9, 2015
@mjbuckland what was wicked was 'shy' kids ..those without a voice often.. were 'in charge' THAT was the best thing for me..every1 listening
— Kerri Thompson (@kerriattamatea) March 9, 2015
@mjbuckland this blog post on our class blog 2014 has a few photos at the end if you want to have a look http://t.co/hGu9dHvu5m
— Kerri Thompson (@kerriattamatea) March 9, 2015
What I take out of these messages is empowerment - the shy students are able to express themselves and take control of their own learning.
@mjbuckland What age? I teach grade 4 and have just begun the entire process. Documenting as I go. http://t.co/LklXOeqleI
— Nathan Kraai (@njkraai) March 9, 2015
I don't really have the writing skills (as you can tell) to document like this, but I will certainly be having a look at this.
@AKeenReader @mjbuckland new hashtag #helpingmark 🙌
— Leanne Stubbing (@fivefoot3) March 9, 2015
RT @fivefoot3: @AKeenReader @mjbuckland new hashtag #helpingmark 🙌 hahaha hangareka ana! Crack up.. that what we do! Tatou tatou!
— Kerri Thompson (@kerriattamatea) March 9, 2015
My very own hashtag!? I'm going to need verification soon ;)
There were a few small conversations that grew out of these tweets, and others wanting to hear about the responses it got, hence this blog post.
I'm sorry it's such a mess, but I wanted to get this out asap while it was still fresh in my mind. To be honest, the writing will only get worse if I think about it for longer.
I hope some of you find this helpful and/or useful. And please comment - I'd love to hear of any other ideas or experiences that you've had.
@mjbuckland Some tips on decisions to make prior... http://t.co/CS9vgi9Vwe Also check out your grade level on the LiveBinder. :)
— Joy Kirr (@JoyKirr) March 9, 2015
Just as I posted this, another tweet came through for me. I've had a quick look, and this looks to be some very good advice for those of us just starting out - Thank you, Joy.